Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thoughts on Psalms

Today, I wanted to put some thoughts with real flesh on it. I surely know that when you're writing your words become more believable supported or contradicted by others. I know C.S. Lewis has written more than I'll ever read. His notions about Psalms are that they are a collection of poems.

"In his excellent meditation on the Psalms, Reflections on the Psalms, C.S. Lewis says, "What must be said, however, is that the Psalms are poems, and poems are intended to be sung: not doctrinal treatises, nor even sermons. . . . Most emphatically the Psalms must be read as poems; as lyrics, with all the licences and all the formalities, the hyperboles, the emotional rather than logical connections, which are proper to lyric poetry. They must be read as poems if they are to be understood...." (p. 2-3) From Tim Clark

Poetry and songs from poetry touch the heart and soul. Even in my Life Application Study Bible (NIV), some of the Psalms are explained as songs and poetry in reference to praise that is heart-felt and lifted up to Go
d. Tim's opposition to this line of explanation is that Psalms are "thus devoid of theological and historical truth value." He goes on to say, "However, when we want to be comforted, or motivated, or awed-in short, when we want to move from the intellectual to the affective-then (and often only then) do we venture into the Psalms. Our choices of when and how to teach from the Psalms also seems to be directed by such an approach; we have our "stock Psalms" which we'll teach occasionally, yet in general we seldom venture into the Psalms for a teaching series." Tim Clark

Please, go to the xenos site and read more on Psalms that fleshes it out for you. I love the Psalms because they reach my heart and soul. They allow me to express all my feelings-happiness, loneliness, excitement, disappointment, praise, anger, and all my feelings that I know reach God's heart through His Son, Jesus Christ. I memorized the twenty-third Psalm when I was twelve. It has always been my psalm of comfort. Along with the Lord's Prayer and Jesus' scriptures to rebuke Satan after His 40 days in the desert.

Be sure you go to Tim's site. He has many other resources worth reviewing.

Thoughts on Psalms

I was thinking today how specifically the Psalms apply to everyday life so, I went to the Internet to find sites to use as references and links that support and even don't support my thinking. The first site is I am putting some quotes in from this site and hope you go there to read more.

Tim Clark from said C.S.Lewis referred to the Psalms as poetry and song lyrics.

"I believe that we would do well to re-think our view of the Psalms. I would not go so far as to say that Lewis is utterly wrong in his statement-surely different genres require different ways of reading. Yet we nonetheless must be careful how we apply Lewis's insight as we approach the Psalms. Surely "reading the Psalms as poems" does not mean that they are without truth-value.[1] On the contrary, while the Psalms may not be in the "form" of doctrinal treatise or sermon, their content is utterly theological. Indeed, Tremper Longman notes (p. 52) that the Psalms are a microcosm or summary of the rest of the Old Testament. And J. Clinton McCann asserts that "...the Psalter is not merely a collection of liturgical resources but is to be read and heard as a source of torah, 'instruction'..." (p. 18). He says that the purpose of the Psalms is to teach, to instruct about the nature of God and man, about relating to God, about theology (p. 19). "In short, the Psalter is to be read and heard as God's instruction to the faithful" (p. 27).[2] In this [3] paper, then, I will suggest that the Psalms are indeed a theological work, that we can in fact discern a theological center to the Psalter, and that this center has implications not only for our hermeneutic of the Psalms, but in fact for our daily lives." Clark, Tim

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Praising My Way Out...

Days ago I began sharing with you about the birth of my book and how I started developing the concept of Biblescopes. I had become so sick from the effects of multiple sclerosis, I had to apply for disability. Every Tuesday morning at this point in my life, I went to church every Tuesday morning at 5:00am to pray with other church members. One morning I stayed after to talk to my pastor. I explained to him that I was having trouble with depression and frustration that seemed to be picking up steam. I wanted to know what he advised people in the same situation. The problem that hit me hard this time was I lost 2 of my grandchildren, ages 4 and 2. Gawd, it ripped my heart out. A mother's heart isn't separated at birth like an umbilical cord. The heart strings are always intact even into eternity

This is the advise my pastor gave me and it worked. He told me to start reading Psalms and Proverbs everyday. He said, "Start with the calendar day of the month, read that Psalm and add 30 to it then read the next Psalm until you read all the way through them for that day. Then read the corresopnding Proverb too. There are only 31 Proverbs. Let me recap.

Let's just say today is the 12th of the month.
  • Read Psalm 12, reflect in your journal about what you can praise God for
  • Add thirty to 12--> read Psalm 42, reflect and journal
  • Add thirty to 42--> read Psalm 72, reflect and journal
  • Add thirty to 72--> read Psalm 102, reflect and journal
  • Add thirty to 102 -->read Psalm 132, reflect and journal (There are only 150 Psalms so in 1 month you use the 'Plus Thirty Principle' and then the Proverbs.)
Then the hard part comes next. This is the part that starts the healing. As you read God's Word remember, it is alive and active, healing and eternal. It is Christ on the pages of a book. The Holy Spirit is our teacher and instructor. So, get ready for the this job.

As you use the 'Plus Thirty Principle' you must read and listen at the same. Then you must surrender your will to that of God's and offer Him a sacrifice of praise. Here's an example.

Psalm 12 (v. 1) Help, Lord, for I am so alone. For this I give you praise.
(v.2-4) Forgive me for my lies, flattering lips, deception and boasting. For this I give
you praise.
(v.5) You promise to protect me when I am down. For this I give you praise.

(v.6) Thank you that your Word is pure. I'm thankful for your protection. For this I
give you praise.

What my pastor had me do was praise God even when I didn't want to and after a month of journalling and praising God, I could thank God for everything and feel good about it. The first couple of weeks were tough but I slowly looked forward to praising and reading the Psalms and Proverbs. Even more so, I began to take some control of my freight train runnin' and got up from my bed and my recliner. I went back to school and got my master's in education and completed one year's work toward my doctorate. Then I had a chance to take a job teaching ninth through twelfth graders in Healthcare Science Technology. There is no time for depression teaching teenagers!

I didn't start connecting Psalms and Proverbs to people's lives until my grandson, Collin, was born and spent the first week of his life in Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU).

I'm going to stop talking about the depression and such unless I get a response from someone who might need me to go a little deeper. However, I will keep posting about the book and my life even if no one reads from it 'cause it's doing me good.

Biblescopes for November 6, 2009

Biblescope for November 6 from Psalms 6, 36, 66, 96, 126 & Proverbs 6

Today, you may feel tired and fatigued but you're not sure why. If you have the day to yourself, do unusual activities like taking a vigorous walk. "But I'm so tired?" Take a short walk with your dog. The company will do you good. Don't turn on the TV. Listen to music that soothes and/or moves you. Maybe your soul needs refreshing. Put on your favorite praise music, read the Word and praise the Lord for all He has done for you. Take a nap. Write a letter--not an e-mail--a letter. Be sure to mail it! Read a good book. If you're still feeling fatigued, it may be wise to see your doctor.

Be thankful to God for His love and His justice. He governs this world with just love especially through His Son Jesus! God's love reaches to the heavens. There is no doubt that it's reaching you. His unfailing love reaches every creation. God's daily gifts include protection in the shadow of His wings, abundance of food (daily bread), and drink from the river of life. If you are spiritually thirsty drink from the Living Water who is Jesus the Christ.

Praise God for all He has done for you. Share something God has done for you with someone who may not know the love of God.

Biblescope for November 5, 2009

Biblescope for November 5 from Psalms 5, 35, 65, 95, 125 & Proverbs 5

God calls us to Him early in the morning to pray when we are rested and our mind is free from our own problems or focused on the day so you can commit it to the Lord. Take refuge in the Lord and allow Him to lead you in His righteousness. Enter into God's presence and bow to Him in reverence. Sing to the Lord with joy and be glad. Let His protection surround you with favor like a shield.

God will take care of people you are having problems with like coworkers, neighbors, or family and friends. If He takes care of the trouble it will be taken care of in ways you can't. Take a strong stand against sin. And when you've done all you can to stand, stand once more.

Today, praise the Lord for His forgiveness of sin. Allow yourself to meditate on entering the Lord's Holy Temple and realize the results of forgiveness. Thank God for His gracious provision and kind mercy.

Fill your heart will praise for our God. Sing for joy in thanksgiving and extol Him in song.
As you trust in the Lord you will not be shaken but will endure into eternity.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Biblescope for November 4, 2009

Today, God will answer you when you call to Him. He will give relief from your distress and show mercy when He answers you. Are you one who turns God's glory into shame or deny that Him by loving delusions and seek false gods? Know that God has set apart the godly for Himself so take to heart the promise that the Lord will hear you when you call.

When you go to bed and can't sleep, search your heart in silence and listen to the Lord. Make sacrifices of obedience and submission. God would rather have our praise, heartfelt and from a heart of submission. Ask the Lord to show you the light of His face and your heart will be filled with greater joy. You will lie down in peace and the Lord will make you dwell in safety.

Looking for blessings in your life? Praise the Lord from a true hard. Glorify the Lord together as you exalt Him in prayer. Overwhelmed by fears real or imagined? Seek the Lord with all your heart and He will deliver from your fears.

Our active participation in our lives brings us out of trouble. Show others goodness and God will supply your needs. Seek God and cry out to Him, trust Him, reference Him, turn from evil, do good and speak peace, be humble and serve the Lord.

To know the way to longlife, keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from lying. Do good. Seek peace. Pursue it as if it was all you needed to enter into longlife. Condemnation will not be your reward if you take refuge in the Lord.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Biblescope for November 3, 2009

Biblescope November 3 from Psalms 3, 33, 63, 93, 123 and Proverbs 3

Today, friends may be unkind to you especially those who know you are a believer and they are scoffers at the reality of a living God. God is you shield all around you. When you cry out in prayer, He hears and answers you.God is your sustainer and champion. He will eliminate your fears. Trust Him for your deliverance and He bless those you love.

Worship the Lord with songs and instruments as a form of praise. Play skillfully and sing with joy. Honor is due Him for His unfailing love. From His unfailing love His Words are right and true.

By God's Words he made all of the heavens and the stars from His breath. Bless the Lord for His majesty. For when everything no longer exists God is eternal--Alpha, Omega, Beginning and the End. Today, seek God to quench your spiritual thirst and satisfy your longing for Him. His love is better than lifer. Glorify Him with your lips praising Him all you life.

Have you had a sleepless night lately? Turn your thoughts to God and use a sleepless night to pray for those on your prayer list. Turn your sleeplessness into times of reflection and worship and remember all your blessings.

God's majesty is noted in His dress for He is clothed in a majestic robe and is armed with strength. His throne was established long ago and the world is firmly established. Statutes of the Lord stand firm. He is our moral compass. Measure God's deeds by His perfect character. He can do nothing that isn't perfect. We can be perfect in God's eyes when He sees us through His Son. God's mercy is attainable. Keep your eyes on Him. Pray for His mercy and wait on the Lord.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Biblescope for November 2, 2009

Biblescopes Scriptures from Psalm 2, 32, 62, 92, 120, 150 & Proverbs 2

Today, remember God's Son is the Christ and He is returning to take us to our Heavenly home. Giving God your life is the eternal path to everlasting freedom. Some feel God is restrictive and judgmental to your choices in life. This is a mistaken belief that is more restricting than the very freedom one feels he or she has the right to own. God is freedom. He gave each of us freedom at creation. We can choose life or death and be the one choosing our eternal direction. It is usually the want for power and selfish pride that is the beginning of separation from God not on His part but completely from our own choices.

As God's chosen child, any power you have isn't your own but has been given by God. Don't fear those who act as tyrants. God really laughs at their stupidity.Take hope in this one thing; He is God and He rules all hearts.

You are blessed today because you have been forgiven. If you have hidden and unconfesed sins don't continued in them, confess them and Jesus will refresh you and increase your joy that comes with repentance. Follow God more faithfully and find joy in His presence. When God becomes your hiding place He then hided you from trouble.

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