Thursday, December 10, 2009

Biblescope for December 11th, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Time Here?

Be sure to read Components of Biblescopes [link doesn't work, sorry:(] before you read the rest of this site. It will help you understand what you're reading about. If you'd like your Biblescopes information before it's posted like your birthday is the 16th so you'd like to know your sign and characteristics, leave me a comment.

Biblescope for 11th, 2009

Biblescope for the 11th

From Psalms 11,41, 71, 101, 131 & Proverbs 11:

Biblical Life Sign (for those born on calendar day 11th): Harp

Biblical Personality Characteristics (if born on 11th day of month): You:
  1. have a tendency to feel persecuted & despised when you've done nothing wrong;
  2. exercise faith & hope when despair is overwhelming; stand firm & are not shaken by circumstances you can't control;
  3. use difficulties & trials to practice your faith; see challenges as a way to victories;
  4. act justly and practice using mercy;
  5. have a heart for the weak-- addicts, homeless, and the needy;
  6. experience loving grace & healing from God if facing sickness;
  7. travel through a plethora of trials (suffering & sorrow) & complete them intact, stronger, and full of joy;
  8. have integrity & honor in all relationships;
  9. find strength in the Rock, our Lord & Savior, as a refuge & fortress;
  10. seek to share God's love & what Jesus did when He gave His life for the salvation and the future of other generations.

Biblescope for 12/11/09 for all to read:

Today, it is not in your character to run from trouble. You find yourself having to stand up to those who think little of you. Don't lose your temper with them. Silence is your best weapon. God sees your righteousness in Christ and He has mercy on you.

Because of all you do for those in need, the Lord will protect you and deliver you in times of trouble. The Lord will sustain you while you are sick and restore you from all sickness. God's mercy is sufficient for your forgiveness. God will raise you up that He may repay your enemies. Remember to keep your integrity intact and your Lord will set you in His presence forever.

Be careful when you get paid.Do not take more than what is yours. Be humble and wisdom will be yours. Wealth cannot save you from death but righteousness can. It will deliver you but judgment will fall on the wicked.

Stay away from gossip. When people engage in talking about others, stay way from them. Be trustworthy and take care of those that are victim to gossip. Being kindhearted will gain you respect. God will delight in you when you are blameless.

Be generous to those who need your help. A generous person will prosper; he refreshes others and there is refreshing for him and/or herself. Tell others about God's Son and His gift to us is salvation and he or she will be saved.

Biblescope for December 10th, 2009

From Psalms 10, 40, 70, 100, 130 & Proverbs 10

Biblical Life Sign (if you're born on the tenth of the month): Gavel (hand of justice)

Biblical Personality Characteristics
(if you're born on the tenth of the month):

  1. will wisely choose Jesus as your Savior;
  2. have a tendency to be haughty & self-righteous;
  3. will minister to the sick, the fatherless & needy;
  4. will be a good listener and encourager;
  5. will have a tendency to be impatient;
  6. may experience despair & depression only God can take care of;
  7. will sacrifice things important to you as an act of service not to impress God but to help others; remember, obedience is better than sacrifice;
  8. see good in others but are very critical on yourself;
  9. show others God's love & truth by the actions of your life; and
  10. find it easy to be faithful & accepting of everyone keeping promises even if s/he break their promises.
Biblescope for Everyone: 12/10/09

Today, if you feel God is far away or not present when you're in trouble, ask God to hurry to your aid. God sees your trouble and He takes it in hand. Commit yourself to Him & He will help you know your true self-worth.

God will bless you with a crown of righteousness. Maintain your integrity. Allow love to cover all wrongs. If you experience a storm, stand firm. God's ways are your righteousness.

Today, you may be feeling like you're stuck and sinking in a troublesome miry situation. Waiting for God's response which brings you blessings. He will reach down into your personal mire and lift you out of your mess.

God will respond best to your obedience and to your serving Him with the right attitude. Pray: "Here am I, Lord; I desire to do your will." (v.7 & 8) If you feel God is far away or not present when you're in trouble, ask God to hurry to your aid. God sees your trouble and He takes it in hand. Commit yourself to Him & He will make you know your self-worth.

God will bless you with a crown of righteousness. Maintain your integrity and allow love to cover a multitude of sins. God's ways are your righteousness in Christ Jesus.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Biblescope for December 9th, 2009

Biblescope for 9th of December
From Psalms 9, 39, 69, 99, 129 & Proverbs 9

Biblical Life Sign:
(If you're born on the ninth of the month) The Cross of Christ

Biblical Personality Characteristics
(if you're born on the ninth of the month these are some of your personality characteristics) :
  1. use wisdom in daily living to exalt God;
  2. know God gives you your spiritual understanding;
  3. are promised a longlife as a reward for living obedience;
  4. practice reverence that leads you to wisdom;
  5. observe other's behaviors and learn the result of sinful folly; don't eat the "forbidden fruit;"
  6. will be safe from your enemies because judges enemies that aren't repent;
  7. will praise God with song and music;
  8. will be blessed with healing from afflictions;
  9. will help the poor and needy out of your own abundance; and
  10. have the gift of prophecy & evangelism sharing the love of God & the hope of eternal life.
Biblescope for everyone: 12/9/09
Today, you will praise the Lord with all your heart. You will freely share God's wonders with those you know. Today, will be a day to feel good about who you are and what you're accomplishing. Your enemies will turn from you and stumble.

Take joy in knowing the Lord reigns forever and sits on His throne judging righteously. Even the memory of your enemies will perish. Remember, your hope is in the fact that Jesus reigns forever. Take refuge in the Lord your stronghold forever. He will not ignore your cry for healing when you are afflicted.

God will give you wisdom and understanding that lacks nothing for it is complete. Respond to criticism with an open mind and respect. Learn from your critics. They are teaching you what God wants you know so that you will know God's ways that become your ways. Stand in awe of God today and maintain your relationship with Him daily. This will open your spiritual eyes and you'll see what happens to those who eat forbidden fruit (lustful sins). Then you will be wise!

Biblescope for December 8th, 2009

Biblescopes for December 8th, 2009 From Psalms 8, 38, 68, 98, 128, and Proverbs 8

Biblical Sign:
(for those born on the 8th of month) Lamb

Biblical Characteristics
: (these are common to anyone born on the 8th)
  1. have faith like a child praising God daily;
  2. have a tendency to self-deprecate;
  3. can find humility in the most intense situations;
  4. have an understanding of your own self-worth;
  5. know that God sees your potential & He knows your value giving you hope for the future;
  6. sometimes allow guilt to overwhelm you, so you are reluctant to put hope in your future;
  7. feel unworthy to receive and hesitate to ask for forgiveness;
  8. sing praise and worship to enter into God's presence;
  9. you know your power for life physically & spiritually comes from God; and
  10. rest assured God will judge all people justly.
Today, praise God for His majesty. Children have been ordained to praise God. Pray God gives you back your childlike faith. Listen to the songs and praises of children when they play. When your childlike faith returns express to God how much you love Him and want His daily provision.
Compare yourself to the greatness of God and allow your smallness in comparison to bring you closer to Him.

If you're angry with yourself, know that there is nothing that can keep you from God's love, therefore, know He loves you inspite of yourself. Love yourself as God loves you; His love is deeper than the ocean and it has no bounds. Whatever your physical ailments are His Word says He will come quickly to help you. Wait patiently for Him. Sometimes the healing is in the waiting.


Components of Biblescopes

Here are the main components of Biblescopes:

Using David's and other author's Psalms or hymns and prayers for every situation or circumstance, David allowed God to see his heart in his prayers and confessions. Today, these very prayers, songs, and hymns are for us to use for the same purpose--so God can see our hearts and forgive our sins. These purposes may include, but not be limited to, the following:
  • praise and adoration of our Heavenly Father
  • repentance and forgiveness
  • thanksgiving
  • supplication
  • restoration and healing
  • power found in the fruit of the Spirit
  • protection found in preparation for battle
From David's life, I have taken courage and encouragement to know I'm okay. My ups and downs are normal human behavior and I can still please God with my life. His unconditional love makes this possible. His constant presence in my life is the hope I hold onto when the storms come.


To help you understand the language of Biblescopes I've defined the components as God gave them to me.
  1. Biblescope is direction and encouragement for the day from Psalms and Proverbs that correspond with the calendar day of the month. It is an alternative to horoscopes. e.g.: Thanksgiving 26th of November means you'd read Psalms 26, 56, 86, 116, and 146 and Proverbs 26.
  2. Biblical Life Prophecies are expounded Birth Psalm based on all applicable Psalms and Proverbs from the 'Plus Thirty Principle' to give a more complete picture of God's plan for your life.
  3. Biblical Life Signs are symbols of Biblical characteristics taken from the Living Word of God and your personal Biblical Life Prophecy. If you were borne on the 16th of the month your Life Sign is the Chalice.
  4. Birth Psalm is the concept God revealed to me at the birth of my grandson, Collin, It is the Psalm read on the day of one's birth that corresponds to that day. I was born on May 16th therefore, my birth Psalm is the 16th Psalm.
  5. Personal Godly Characteristics are abbreviated references to the personal you as revealed by your Life Prophecy.
  6. Plus Thirty Principle is based on a study of Psalms and Proverbs that allows you to complete the reading of all of these books in one month's time. It is the basic foundation for the development of Biblescopes.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

New to this Web Site

If this is you first look at Biblescopes be sure to read the section on Components of Biblescopes.

December 7th, 2009

Biblescope for December 7th

From Psalms 7, 37, 67, 97, 127 & Proverbs 7

Biblical Sign: Sword

Biblical Characteristics
: You:
  1. have integrity and righteousness in Christ;
  2. are good-hearted and grateful;
  3. may worry easily however, still have trusting spirit;
  4. turn from what is evil and do what is good;
  5. faithfully revere God;
  6. are generous and lend freely;
  7. speak wisely and justly;
  8. love peace & abhor evil;
  9. are joyful and upright of heart; and
  10. have a love for music especially praise & worship.

Today, take refuge in the Lord and He will save you from every situation.
If you're having trouble understanding why things are so difficult right now, pray and ask the Lord to search your heart and if you are guilty, pray He forgive you.

God, your Heavenly Father, will judge you in righteousness. Jesus is your righteousness. He gives you Godly integrity. God will make you secure and your heart upright. Ask God to forgive your evil plans and the holes you dig for others to fall into. Don't give your heart over to disillusionment. Give praise to the Lord most High for He cares for you always.

Today, if you are worried about something and don't know what to do, trust the Lord with all your heart; delight in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart. To not trust only causes more grief. If you are still worried remember, scriptures says, "Don't fret." It leads to doing evil.

Practice being humble and meek for the meek shall inherit the earth and enjoy peace. God makes your path so your steps will be firm; no falling on this path! If you stumble, you will not fall for the Lord will hold you up!

Be generous and lend freely without expecting repayment. Be just and faithful and the Lord will not forget what you do for others. Speak with wisdom and justice, so that the Law of God can be seen in your actions.

When you pray today, you can trust in three things that are sure as eternity. 1) God hears your prayer; 2) wait and be still as you wait for the answer; and 3) remember, God's clock is eternal. He will answer your request according to His time.

Take refuge in the Lord for He will deliver you from the wicked and bring to you salvation--an eternal gift!

Ask God to bless your home, job, family, church and friends. He then will become your stronghold forever.

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