Saturday, November 28, 2009

Biblescope for November 30, 2009

Biblescope for November 30 from Psalms 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 & Proverbs 30

Biblical Sign: Sunrise

Biblical Characteristics: You:
  1. find joy in exalting God;
  2. will call on the Lord for healing;
  3. will know God's favor and security that lasts forever;
  4. when you have questions about life's circumstances, wonder how you could serve God if you were dead;
  5. must be careful not to be ensnared in trappings of riches, wealth, beauty or prosperity; can have these things one day and they'll be gone the next;
  6. will allow God to turn your wailing into dancing, trade your ashes for joy, and your heart will be filled with song;
  7. know with assurance you can be forgiven and restored;
  8. when you feel overwhelmed, can call on the name of the Lord & be saved from your enemies;
  9. remember God thinks of a day as a thousand years & He is not limited to a 24/7 clock or calendar; His time is eternal--past eternity, present eternity, future eternity; and
  10. have hidden sins even God's grace can forgive; this is such a blessing in that we can come to God for forgiveness as soon as we sin & be forgiven so there is no chance a stronghold will be built up.
Biblescope for 11/30/09

Exalt the Lord today and be lifted from the depths of despair. Call to Him for help and you will be healed. Sing to the Lord and praise His holy name. God's anger only lasts a moment but His favor lasts a lifetime. Weeping lasts all night and then your joy will come in the morning.

When You favored me, Lord God, You made my mountain stand firm. Don't hide your face from me, Holy Father. I become so dismayed because my sin is very evident. You are my help and You bless me with mercy. We will be restored by You, Lord Jesus! Today, save us and help us with Your right hand. Then those You help will be victorious.

Give praise to the Lord for He is good. Praise Him in the sanctuary. Give Him praise for His acts of power. Praise Him with voice & sounding trumpet. Dance & praise Him with your dance. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Biblescope for November 28

Biblescope for the 28th of November from Psalms 28, 58, 88, 118, 148, & Proverbs 28

Biblical Sign: Hands Lifted in Praise

Godly Personal Characteristics: You are straightforward in all relationships, have tendency toward insincerity finding it easy to use people in the name of the Lord, have God as a shield & source of strength for your protection, trust God helping to maintain a sense of joy, praise God with song in good and bad times, know Jesus as Shepherd who will carry you forever if needed, believe in God's justice & trust God to judge rightly, cry out to God hoping He will do what is needed to end your suffering, must be careful when asking for restoration not to have wrong motives, and you are able to be strong & take heart and wait for the Lord.

Never pretend friendship for your own end. Make Christ your Rock & source of relationships. Today, cry out to the Lord with hands lifted in praise to Him. Be straightforward & sincere in all relationships. Surface relationships are a form of destruction. God's mercy is yours today & forever. The Lord is your source of strength & He is your shield. Trust God today for your needs and your heart will leap for joy. Give thanks to Him in song. Father God is your fortress of salvation; He will save you and bless your inheritance.

You will be glad when the unrighteous are swept away. On this day whatever you face, tell the Lord about your despair and feeling alone with no companionship. Give thanks to the Lord for His mercy endures forever. When I feel entrapped, the Lord will set me free. You will enter and give thanks for what the Lord has done. Give thanks that He has saved you and that this is the day He has made for you. Be glad and rejoice in this day! God is your Heavenly Father therefore, give Him thanks! Exalt the Lord with your life knowing He is good and His mercy endures forever.

If you work today, be bold like a lion in all situations. Let your knowledge and understanding maintain order in your house. Keep God's precepts and refuse to choose the way of the wicked.

It is better to be poor and walk blamelessly than to be rich and perverse. Don't be indifferent to others' suffering. Let your heart be more concerned about justice than increasing the contents of your pockets.

Be wise in all you do and praise the Lord. God will supply all our needs according to His riches in Heaven. Whomever gives to the poor will lack nothing but he or she who closes his or her eyes to the poor receives many curses.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Biblescope for November 29

Biblescopes for November 29, 2009

Biblescopes from Psalms 29, 59, 89, 149 & Proverbs 29

Biblical Sign: Musical Note

Biblical Characteristics: You see God's beauty & power in nature stirring you to believe in the might of God; you ride out storms because Jesus can speak to the storms to make them stop; you take comfort in God's continuous love, even when people wish ill for you--God will rise up in your defense; the Lord is strong and makes you strong by His unconditional love & protection; you know God goes ahead of you to make your paths safe; you have satisfaction in knowing God trips up the evil with their own words and actions; you realize God's reign as King of the Universe and praise God with the angels in heaven to create majesty and grandeur; you practice righteousness, justice, love and faithfulness which are the foundation of God's throne; you share God's basic characteristics; you must ward off signs of weakness and powerlessness & being unable to do even simplest spiritual tasks; you find it easy to rejoice even when your mood is sad and your heart is broken.


You will not find understanding God's might difficult when you see the effects of a storm and know that God's voice alone can break trees such as the cedars of Lebanon that are 30 feet in circumference. His voice shakes people into fear at lightning flashes and rumble of thunder. The Lord is enthroned over the earth. He gives us strength and blesses us with His peace.

The Lord will protect you from those who are your enemies. Look for your protection. The Lord is your fortress and loving God. Sing of God's love who is your fortress forever. Sing that you may declare God's love stands forever.

God is mighty and His faithfulness surrounds us. Be blessed today and sing to the Lord. Tell
others that God's love stands firm forever. His faithfulness is established in heaven itself. God makes His covenant with you just as with King David. God's power is in His right hand.

Today, be blessed as you let others know God is your Heavenly Father. Rejoice in God's name all day long for He is our glory & strength.

As David was anointed by God's holy, sacred oil, so are you. You have been adopted into King David's family therefore, you have David's anointing as well. Sing to the Lord a new song. Praise with your mouth and fight with your spiritual sword. You will be victorious in all your endeavors.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Biblescope for November 27th

Biblescope from Psalms 27, 57, 87, 117, 147, & Proverb 27

Biblical Sign - Candle lit in Window

Biblical Characteristics: You are hopeful, walk in salvation, have tendency to be fearful of rejection & uncertainty, however, can find help for fearfulness by staying in light of God's Son Jesus, have a relationship with God that is rarely interrupted, find sufficiency in God's love when faced with a loss, are confident praying & expecting God to answer, and you find comfort in the presence of the Lord even when comparing your own frailty to His greatness.

Today take comfort in the Lord's light and your salvation. The Lord will be your strength so you will not be fearful. Fear can overwhelm us with darkness and uncertainty almost like being imprisoned. Remember that the Lord is your light and salvation. Let your greatest desire be to live in God's presence. Find confidence in the Lord's goodness; wait for the Lord and be strong.

Let others praise your work or endeavors & not praise from your own lips. Stay away from the heaviness of fools or jealousy. Friendship is built on trust. It's less painful to be admonished by a friend than to receive kisses from an enemy. Sweet smelling fragrances bring joy to the heart; pleasantness from having friends brings springs of helpful caring in the form of counsel from that friend. Be wise and bring joy into hearts of your parents. Sharpen your friends as iron sharpens iron. Being around friends increases your mental acuity. Think ahead. Prepare for the future. Be diligent in saving and planning for your needs and those of your families and friends.

Components of Biblescopes

Using David's and other author's Psalms or hymns and prayers for every situation or circumstance, David allowed God to see his heart in his prayers and confessions. Today, these very prayers, songs, and hymns are for us to use for the same purpose--so God can see our hearts and forgive our sins. These purposes may include, but not be limited to, the following:
  • praise and adoration of our Heavenly Father
  • repentance and forgiveness
  • thanksgiving
  • supplication
  • restoration and healing
  • power found in the fruit of the Spirit
  • protection found in preparation for battle
From David's life, I have taken courage and encouragement to know I'm okay. My ups and downs are normal human behavior and I can still please God with my life. His unconditional love makes this possible. His constant presence in my life is the hope I hold onto when the storms come.


To help you understand the language of Biblescopes I've defined the components as God gave them to me.
  1. Biblescope is direction and encouragement for the day from Psalms and Proverbs that correspond with the calendar day of the month. It is an alternative to horoscopes. e.g.: Thanksgiving 26th of November means you'd read Psalms 26, 56, 86, 116, and 146 and Proverbs 26.
  2. Biblical Life Prophecies are expounded Birth Psalm based on all applicable Psalms and Proverbs from the 'Plus Thirty Principle' to give a more complete picture of God's plan for your life.
  3. Biblical Life Signs are symbols of Biblical characteristics taken from the Living Word of God and your personal Biblical Life Prophecy. If you were borne on the 16th of the month your Life Sign is the Chalice.
  4. Birth Psalm is the concept God revealed to me at the birth of my grandson, Collin, It is the Psalm read on the day of one's birth that corresponds to that day. I was born on May 16th therefore, my birth Psalm is the 16th Psalm.
  5. Personal Godly Characteristics are abbreviated references to the personal you as revealed by your Life Prophecy.
  6. Plus Thirty Principle is based on a study of Psalms and Proverbs that allows you to complete the reading of all of these books in one month's time. It is the basic foundation for the development of Biblescopes.

Biblescope for November 26, 2009

Biblescope from Psalms 26, 56, 86, 116, & 146 plus Proverbs 26

Today, trust in the Lord for vindication. Find forgiveness in God's presence and be assured of your having a "blameless" life. Let your prayer today be, "Redeem me Lord, and be merciful to me."
If there is any reason for fear and being afraid of what you are facing, trust God and praise Him. No one can take your soul or your future eternity. Hold your head high and walk before God in the light of life.

God is your ever-present help in times of trouble. Be thankful to God who is gracious and compassionate. Be at rest for the Lord will be good today! Don't compromise your Christian values for approval of those who don't love the Lord. God frustrates the plans of the wicked and those who curse Him and blaspheme Him.

Let blessings fall upon you today and curses be far from you. Think before responding. Speak truthfully while encouraging others. Stay away from gossip, slander, and twisted truth. Without wood the fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blessings and Thanks

Once again we've planned the meal, prepared and fixed somethings ahead of time, and look forward to eating pheasant for the first time. Well, some of us will eat pheasant and others of us will stick to the normal, baked and stuffed turkey, white meat, please!

When I did some "research" on blessings there were so many definitions, examples, and explanations, I decided to try and wing it. A blessing can be a prayer that places honor on those being prayed for. It may also mean having things to be thankful about such as health, money, prestige, family, friends, and another year to look forward to.

Looking back over the past year, so many things seem difficult and unusually unfamiliar, almost as if we're living in 1929 when Wall Street crashed. My Grandmother remembered life during the depression. Some of the things she told me seemed unbearable. However, it feels like the same conditions are headed our way. Great, "fundamental change."

It's most important to put our hope and find our peace in Christ and His provision whatever the future brings. May God's blessings be evident in your lives. May His peace run steady like a fresh, running river right through your lives flowing into other lives and on and on. May health and prosperity be your gift to open over and over again.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal but go slowly. You don't want that blood sugar to get too high!
Give thanks and be blessed!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Note: Recovering from Swine Flu

I just got home today from my bout with H1N1 or Swine flu which is the same. The symptoms are the same. However, when I get the smallest of infections my body suffers greater because I have a compromised immune system as the result of polio, measles, mumps, chicken pox and other viral infections.

I will take one more day to rest and then I'll get back to the blogging. Remember, wash hands, sanitize when you can't (wash hands), cover your mouth when coughing, and see your doctor if you're not sure!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving Day.
From my house to yours...Edee

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