Saturday, October 31, 2009

Biblescope November 1, 2009

Biblescope for November 1, 2009 Scriptures are 1, 31, 61, 91, & 121 with Proverb 1
Today is the first day of a holiday season starting with Thanksgiving. Nothing touches God's heart more effectively than one being thankful for His provisions. Your life sign says a lot about your character--it's a fruit tree. According to God's Word, you are like a tree planted by the streams of water so that whatever you do prospers. As a fruitful tree, you delight in God's Word, therefore, you pray and meditate to know God's will for your life. You are a productive and prosperous person standing firm and strong.

You are blessed with God's protection as you grow in relationship to your Lord. To understand God's love and provision, let your lifestyle be God-directed while living spiritually fruitful. Others see that you are not afraid when you take refuge in your Heavenly Father.

You have difficulty understanding those who blatantly worship idols. As a friend, you are faithful and loving even compassionate. Let others see you as joyful and glad even during times of affliction. Take heart for God will protect you from your enemies and place your feet in a spacious place.

Pray when you need mercy and are in distress. Don't let your strength weaken your spirit. God will save you with His unfailing love--His face will shine on you and He will save you with His unfailing love. He will hear your cries for help where ever you might be and find rest in His strong tower. Take refuge in Him as your strong tower. God will increase the days of your life and you will always be in God's presence. God's love and faithfulness will protect you and give you reason to praise Him daily fulfilling your vows ti Him everyday.

These proverbs will save your life and the lives of future generations:
  • attain wisdom to understand God's insight
  • do what is just, right, and fair
  • do not be afraid to acquire prudence and discipline
  • teach those younger than you these virtues and they will grow with knowledge and discretion
  • use your discernment to get guidance to understand proverbs and parables

Friday, October 30, 2009

Biblescope for October 31, 2009

Biblescope for October 31 from Psalms 119 & Proverbs 31
A exception: On the thirty-first of the month Psalm 119 is used for birthdays on the 31st calendar day since it is so long and then Proverbs 31 helps complete the reading of all Psalms and Proverbs.

Today, remember God's precepts and apply them to your whole heart. Learn God's statutes and walk in them. Do not wonder away from the Word of God. Read it, remember it, breath it in and breath it out, share it and live it. Hide the Word in your heart so you might not sin against God. Meditate on God's ways. Take delight in what God's Word reveals to you and cherish it as a precious stone. God will bless you out of His plenty. Long for God to surely provide goodness and mercy all the days of your life.

Don't waste your strength on sinful actions. They pull you away from God's goodness. Instead, take care of the needy and speak up for those who cannot defend themselves. Defend the rights of the poor and destitute. Bring goodness to those in your life and carefully protect them from harm. Be a faithful, hard worker giving more than is expected. Feed those who need sustenance. Invest in real estate and make a profit for the well-being of your family. Exercise and keep your muscles strong that you might work vigorously. Be known to others for your integrity and resourcefulness.

If you find your soul dragging and droopy, pray God will strengthen you and lift you up. Droopy isn't God's plan. It is His plan to exalt you and pick you up out of the dust and dredges. It is not God's will that you let your heart be sad. Ask God for His mercy to come to you and ask that He come quickly for you need His help and His relief. He will make His face to shine on you and He will give you peace. If you find yourself straying, God has such mercy and forgiveness, He will take you back immediately when you confess your sins. Thank Him for His unfailing love and let praises to Him come from your heart.

Biblescope for October 31

Praising My Way Out of Depression

One chapter in the book Biblescopes: Prophecy from One Who Created the Stars addresses depression and how I battle this giant more often than I should. You see, my life started in distress and difficulty from birth until now. When I decided to write using Biblescopes as the book title, I got a great deal of grief about the title. So, I tried to change it, find another, not write at all. Do these mind sets sound familiar? One who has known more loss, pain, abuse, and sickness than seems fair--signs of depression? Maybe just a poor self-esteem? Depression in one hand and poor self-esteem in the other. Let's see which I fill up faster!

I began asking God to help me know how to help others with possible depression symptoms that may only be manageable but still limiting. The first time I suffered dysfunctional depression was after the birth of my second child and the immediate divorce from my first husband. Next was after losing my home to foreclosure in 1984. Next was in 1988 when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. My moods swing with the state of my health. I am the queen of good days and bad days.

I have been very close to God most of my life, even when I find myself in sin turning my back on Him. He still loves me. I have to ask His forgiveness so much depending on where I am on the love spectrum. He loves me, He loves me not, I love Him, I love Him not. Not too many variances in this relationship. Although, I could add--I think He loves me, I know He doesn't.

If you're reading this and you are depressed and possibly thinking of suicide or any other type of ...side, please, go to your nearest hospital, call 911, suicide hotline or other helps for severe depression. That end of the depression spectrum is too serious even for me to address. Although I'm not limiting God. He can help you but you may need Him and professional Christian or secular help.

When depression entered my life again, it was subtle, gentle, and manageable. I was having to deal with a new high stressed job, a pregnant teenager, and the symptoms of an incurable disease. I was calling in sick at work, staying up all night, sleeping all day, not answering the phone, and not helping my husband with the house.

Well, I must stop and start back up tomorrow. Remember, don't wait to ask for help whether from God or a doctor. Get help now!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Biblescope October 30, 2009

Scriptures for 10/30/09 Psalms 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 & Proverbs 30 NIV

This day, exalt the Lord and believe in what He has called you to do. Be healed and blessed and share what God has done for you. God's favor lasts a lifetime. You might start this day after a long night of weeping but remember, rejoicing comes with the morning. Rejoice! Be glad and rejoice!

Be careful with pride today. We can become overwhelmed with wealth and material objects even in self-sufficiency. Know that all we have and all we'll be come from our Heavenly Father.

If you feel like your life is falling apart, take hope in God's restoration. It won't be a simple, undetected restoration but a very visible and complete mending of the fractures.

Don't be fearful of the world's situations--wars, strife, greed, and arrogance--remember, God knows the future of every nation. God will provide help against Satan and other enemies of the Lord's children. Hope never dies.

Remember the majesty and awesomeness of God. He alone created the heavens when He spoke them into being. Sound like a "big bang theory?" God's voice from everlasting to everlasting always creating and restoring. Be thankful today for forgiveness and grace. Both are the beginning of restoration. Let your hope be found in a heart of wisdom. When wisdom isn't enough, use compassion and unfailing love. Let God's favor rest on you and establish the work of your hands. Let everything that has breath praise Him. Live each day whether in want or plenty.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Biblescopes October 28 & 29

October 28, 2009 Scriptures Psalms 28, 58, 88, and Proverbs 28
Today on the twenty-eighth of October, God will hear my cry for mercy. He will bless my relationships and friendships that they will not just be superficial or false. True friends are straight forward and sincere in all their relationships. God will be your strength and shield all day long. Give the Lord praise in song. Let your heart trust God even when it seems impossible to trust. Do justly, love mercy. If you feel overwhelmed, and full of trouble, you may be vulnerable to discouragement. Raise your hands in prayer and trust God to answer you. If your friends have needs as well, lift prayers on their behalf. Be bold and uplifted! Live out God's justice and help the poor. Give from your bounty.Trust in the Lord and you will prosper.

October 29, 2009 Scriptures Psalms 29, 59, 89, & 149 and Proverbs 29
Today, recognize God's power and strength, His glory and splendor. His voice is all powerful and creative. Thank God for His unconditional love and know that His love will endure for you even into eternity. Just as God's throne is built on righteousness, justice, love, and faithfulness so is your salvation and these characteristics form your person. You are blessed as you actively bless the Lord. Take comfort in knowing you have power to accomplish God's will for your life. Praise the Lord with your life. Praise Him with dance, with song, and instruments. Take joy in praise because God takes joy in you! Maintain your integrity and do not waver.

Biblescope for October 28, 2009

Today's Biblescope comes from Psalm 28, 58, 88, 118, and 148 as well as Proverbs 28. I'm going to post tomorrow's Biblescope so it will be here specifically for October 29, 2009. Before I write the Biblescopes, I'd like to tell you some more about the book's contents. I want to share some scriptures that support my notion that consulting mediums & spiritist has no assurance of peace and problem solving that will save you in your journey toward eternity. Psychics and soothsayers seek to advise you from star patterns, tarot card readings, and practices in the area of the supernatural. Astrologers can't even save themselves. Listen to this warning and begin to trust in God's guidance, for His power is proven through His infallible Word, the evidence of creation, history, and prophecy:

-Isaiah 47: 13-15 NIV "All the counsel you have received has only warn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone; here is no fire to sit by. That is all they can do for you--these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one that can save you."

-Ephesians 6:12 NIV "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

-Leviticus 19:31 NKJV "Do not turn to mediums or seek spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Putting my book together included defining parts and important components such as these words and their actions.
-Biblescopes: direction and encouragement for the day from Psalms and Proverbs that corresponds with the day of the month
-Biblical Life Prophecies: expounded Birth Psalms based on all applicable Psalms and Proverbs from using the "Plus 30 Principle" giving a more complete picture of God's plan for your life
-Biblical Life Signs: symbols of your character taken from the Living Word of God and your personal Biblical Life Prophecy
-Birth Psalm: the concept revealed to me at the birth of my grandson, Collin. It is the Psalm read on the day of one's birth that corresponds to that specific calendar day. My birthday is May 16, therefore, My Birth Psalm is Psalm 16.
-Personal Godly Characteristics: abbreviated references to the 'personal you' as revealed by your Life Prophecy
-Plus Thirty Principle: based on a study of Psalms and Proverbs that allows you to completely read both books in one month. It is the basic foundation for the development of Biblescopes.

God's Word is exuberant, alive, invigorating, and continually fresh and so full of good instruction.

Today is October 27, 2009. The Biblescope for today should be found in Psalms 27, 57, 87, 117, & 147 as well as, Proverbs 27. You'll want to read as much as you have time for but you don't have to read it all. Listen to your heart and the Holy Spirit, your inner voice.

Biblescope for the twenty-seventh starts with Psalm 27 & Proverbs 27:
-Today, if fearful situations happen and you become overwhelmed, remember, God is your light and your stronghold so, don't be afraid! Be confident! Your enemies will fall. Leave retaliation to your Heavenly Father. He's better at it! He will keep you safe and set you high upon a rock. God will be merciful to you. Seek His face-the light of His eyes. If you're expecting an answer to a prayer, wait for the Lord. Be strong, take heart, and wait!

-Today, you may not know what your day may bring however, stay away from anger, boasting, and kisses from your enemies! Wounds from a friend are better than the kisses of your enemies.
Take the advice of a friend and ignore nagging from those who have no care or concern for anyone but themselves. Friends who share ideas sharpen each other and compliment one another. As water reflects the face, so one's heart reflects his or her character. Wear your smile. You'll get plenty back!

The Beginning

I'm so new at this I don't know what to do, so I'll just talk about Biblescopes. As a child I always wanted to write books. I loved English composition. My senior year in high school, I was a member of the Quill and Scroll Honor Society. Life became very busy after graduation. I got married, had to beautiful girls and a divorce all in four years. Life seemed to be over for me but my girls needed me to hold it together. Then God sent an angel into our lives. He is so precious and loving, caring and kind. For us, he is a perfect example of Christ on Earth. Our life has been the "normal" up and down journey. Struggles became a constant. I'm writing this blog to put the difficulties in perspective. I also want to publish my book by December 2009 so, I'm using this blogspot to get some input from people who don't know me and even from some who do. I want you to find help and hope in my writings. I would love for you to try the daily readings of Biblescopes as well as other components of using Psalms and Proverbs for daily guidance. I will define parts of this method of studying and applying God's Word daily .

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