Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blessings and Thanks

Once again we've planned the meal, prepared and fixed somethings ahead of time, and look forward to eating pheasant for the first time. Well, some of us will eat pheasant and others of us will stick to the normal, baked and stuffed turkey, white meat, please!

When I did some "research" on blessings there were so many definitions, examples, and explanations, I decided to try and wing it. A blessing can be a prayer that places honor on those being prayed for. It may also mean having things to be thankful about such as health, money, prestige, family, friends, and another year to look forward to.

Looking back over the past year, so many things seem difficult and unusually unfamiliar, almost as if we're living in 1929 when Wall Street crashed. My Grandmother remembered life during the depression. Some of the things she told me seemed unbearable. However, it feels like the same conditions are headed our way. Great, "fundamental change."

It's most important to put our hope and find our peace in Christ and His provision whatever the future brings. May God's blessings be evident in your lives. May His peace run steady like a fresh, running river right through your lives flowing into other lives and on and on. May health and prosperity be your gift to open over and over again.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal but go slowly. You don't want that blood sugar to get too high!
Give thanks and be blessed!


  1. Biblescopes: Prophecy from One Who Created the Stars Copyright 2001
    Reference: Life Application Study Bible NIV Zondervan

  2. EP, It is wonderful! You are getting this off the ground. I am so proud of you! It has been a long time in coming, but this is just the beginning. I love you! M.L.

  3. You're right, sweetie! Long time but we're closer now than we've been before. When God blesses the book to sell, He will bless you and Noel as well. I once again thank you for believing in me! KLP


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