Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Biblescope for December 2, 2009

See if you can understand how soothsayers and astrologers determined that people can predict the future through astrological signs as well as certain characteristics people have in relation to the date and time they were born>  Biblescopes is not based on theory and speculation.  It is based on the Holy Word of God, the infallible Word that is alive and active.  So, tell me, would you rather rely on man's interpretation of what your life will be like based on how the stars align with other heavenly bodies and the date and time of one's birth or on God's true Word from teachings in Psalms and Proverbs?

Rene' Noorbergen concludes, "To believe in astrology, you must support the philosophy that you are either a 'born loser' or a 'born winner.' The stars, we are being told, do not merely forecast the course of our lives, but they also cause the events to take place, They both impel and compel. . ." (Rene Noorbergen, op. cit., pp. 178, 179)

The following information comes from CIM & Russ Wise @  Go to this site and get some amazing explanations about occultic practice that "Christians" use to fill themselves with some type of spiritual fulfillment which doesn't make it right.  When we trust our lives to anyone but Jesus Christ we say to Him I'm not sure what you'll do to help, so I'm playing the lottery or seeing a spiritist to have a tarot card reading. 

The topic of astrology has confused and misled many Christians in their attempt to connect spiritually with the universe and their understanding of God. Many individuals who take this path are not fully committed to Christ and they continue to seek ways to fill their spiritual void.

The problem in their doing so, is that astrology becomes the basis for their spirituality and their understanding of God. In essence, astrology becomes their avenue for discerning truth. Those who become involved in this magical art are often lured by their interest in knowing the unknown in their lives, something from their past or perhaps some future event. Astrology has become increasingly popular among those who desire a spiritual aspect to their lives without submitting themselves to a spiritual “force” beyond their control.

Many consider astrology to be a fun pastime that is benign in its effect. For them astrology is a parlor game. Having one’s palm read or their tarot cards discerned is a fancy, but not to be taken too seriously. However, there are others who take these arts quite seriously. They are the true believers.

These purveyors of the art have discovered a spirituality that does not condemn immorality. For them astrology is amoral. It does not judge one’s behavior or make demands on one’s lifestyle; it simply is a fact in their lives that they cannot escape. It becomes seductive in its ability to offer formerly unknown information to the practitioner.

Astrology allows the believer to live his life without moral judgments and absolute truths that demand adherence. Individuals are seeking answers to, "Who am I? What is real? Where am I going and what is my purpose in life? Is there a God?" Astrology offers the individual answers to all these questions and more. The answers, if on target, can be very seductive. Hypnotically so!

Astrology becomes spiritually addictive because it works in the mind of the believer. If there was no degree of accuracy in the astrologer’s delineations astrology would not be found to be of the slightest interest. The fact is, astrology works! The issue then becomes how. My response:  Satan is the master lyer, wolf in sheep's clothing.  Satan came to kill, steal and destroy and if he can convince us that astrology does work then we take God's provision with half-heartedness.

The astrologer claims that his abilities are derived from his knowledge of the constellations and the alignment of the planets. However, his information, whether physical or spiritual, comes from another source. One former astrologist concludes that this source is not the planets or the constellations themselves but the gods behind them. My response: Really?  Yes, Christians believe God is God but they also believe in other gods in relationship to the constellations and planets.

The perceived qualities of each planet according to Charles Strohmer, a former astrologist, are as follows. Jupiter’s nature is to be good-willed and represent financial success. Saturn is seen as being constricting, binding, even malefic. Venus is said to influence the higher attributes such as drama, the arts, and music. Mars is believed to affect athletic ability and to govern wars. Neptune is thought to be more psychic than physical. Pluto is believed to rule the “abode of the dead.” Each planet is assigned attribute(s) that denote personhood rather than their cosmic makeup such as atmosphere, soils, energies, and other properties. These qualities or attributes and other characteristics are in line with the deities assigned to these planets rather than the physical properties that were used in their makeup.

Charles Strohmer underscores this statement regarding astrology when he says; the system is not based on the physical properties of the planets but on the distinctives, attributes, and desperate limitations of each god in the closed circle of astrological polytheism.1 He continues by asserting that the “principles of astrological interpretation are clearly excerpted from ancient myths, updated, and have absolutely nothing to do with planets but with superstitions and imaginings related to mythical deities.” 2  

See next Post for Biblescope for 12/2/09  Take heart and read your Biblescope for today.  See if things have happened as predicted and look forward to what may be a blessing or answered prayer for you.

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